Scania Next Generation P G R S Pack – ETS2 – modified by caacbr
Scania Next Generation Scania P G R S Series for Euro Truck Simulator 2 by Eugene
NG PGRS 1.53 Texture Fix by SiLva SuRfa
new 2023 interior and interior tuning by vabis
Sequential Turn Signal by Shelphy
This is a pack of Next Generation of Scania trucks. Mod based on default Scania R & S Series by SCS Software.
P & G Series and other stuff added, such as new chassis, sideskirts, roof spoilers.
Truck replaces default Scania R & S series, also trucks in quick jobs are modded, both EU and UK
Showroom models are new aswell.
Includes Next Generation Scania P G R S Pack + NO GRAY PLASTIC + Cabin Accessories DLC Pack + HS Schoch DLC Pack + Mighty Griffin DLC Pack + addon for SISL MEGA PACK
Credits: Eugene. Edited by caacbr to include all addons in the truck file.